
13,879 days old, give or take a couple of days to account for Leap Years.

That's 333,096 hours.

19,985,760 seconds.

In case you were wondering.

Because I was.

At 4 o'clock this morning.

Right about the time Dash woke up with an urgent need to complain about the general state of the world.  Or maybe just his bed.  But it was a profound enough wail to seem like one of those larger issues, you know?


I'm 38 today.  And it seems like a rather appropriate and serendipitous time to take stock.

So I have.

And here's the lowdown:

1. Two beautiful children.
2. One ex-husband.
3. One baby daddy.
4. Six siblings.
5. Many, many amazing friends.
6. One B.A. in Communications.
7. One Master's in the offing.
8. Two freelance jobs.
9. A mother in heaven (or wherever passionate Socialists go).
10. A father, two stepmothers, and a stepfather in California.
11. One attempt at life in Westchester.

There's more, I'm sure.  I just can't summon all the items at the moment, what with the two glasses of wine and the piece of chocolate cheesecake I've downed.

I'm headed out soon to celebrate with Jen and whomever else decides to join us tonight.

I'm not looking bad for my years, if I do say so myself.  I'm going to hold onto that little sliver of confident thought and go enjoy the evening.

Happy Birthday to Me.

1 comment:

Gemma said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Tati!

Very sad to read of your Mom's passing. I can only imagine how devastating that has been and how much you miss her.

Your boys are insanely gorgeous and so are you (btw, what's up with that, why didn't you get fat like the rest of us?)

I must read on and comment more!
Miss you!